Session proposal module
- Session proposal module general info
- Step 1: activate and setup the session proposal module
- Step 2a: Styling the pages: Login page of the session proposal module
- Step 2b: Styling the pages: Personal data page of the session proposal module
- Step 2c: Styling the pages: Session proposal page
- Step 2d: Styling the pages: Session proposal data page
- Step 2e: Styling the pages: Session leader proposal data page
- Step 2f: Styling the pages: Session proposal site closed page
- Step 3: Session proposal system emails
- Step 4: Session proposal module status
- Step 5: Edit, accept or reject session proposals
- Step 6: Import your proposed sessions into the public calendar
- Locked session proposal
- View or edit session proposals
- View or edit abstract proposals
- View or edit an author proposals
- Add, view or edit proposers
- System reports Session proposal module