In the Review Module, the Session proposal score page can be found via the 'Page Editor'. The page provides you with four textarea fields, ten numeric score fields, and ten listing score fields.
The right part of the screen is what the reviewer sees, after (s)he selects a session proposal to review.
For example:
Each field can be edited by a right mouse click. Here, you can change the text and the style (color, font, etc.) of the label.
In the 'Field Properties' tab, you can determine whether or not a field is required.
The optiion to render the input as a pulldown or radio button is only visible at score 11-20.
In the 'Settings' tab of score 1-10, you can change the following values:
Maximum Score: Choose the max. score a reviewer can assign between 1 and 10;
Weight Factor: Indicate the importance of the scoring category;
No Opinion Option: Option to leave the score blank.
Category 11-20 do not have a settings tab, but a 'Listing tab' where you can set the anwers of the pulldown/radio buttons.
The 'Field info' tab shows the default info of a field, like the original name, maximum length etc.
You can add a field by dragging and dropping it from the Hidden Fields panel into the page.
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