Via the gear icon on the 'Review Dashboard' you can view/edit the reviewer module settings.
General tab
Via the general tab you can set a 'Module start' and 'Module deadline' date to have the module automatically be opened or closed.
Abstracts tab
Automatically exclude new reviewers
When a new reviewer is added or imported, automatically exclude all abstracts with the selected topic and all abstracts without a topic (unless specific abstracts were provided in the import).
Automatically exclude new abstracts
When a new abstract is submitted, automatically exclude it from all reviewers with the same topic, or all reviewers if the abstracts doesn't have a topic.
Review phase
Start a new review phase (up to 3 phases) with a new set of scores.
All of the currently submitted scores will be archived and a copy will be made of your current score.
Your reviewers will be able to view this copy (along with their previous scores) on a separate tab on the score page.
The submitted scores from previous phases can be hidden using the 'Hide previous scores' setting.
You have to confirm this setting.
When your reviewer starts to review again in the next phase, an extra tab is added to the score screen.
The scores of the previous 'Phase 1'. The 'Score abstract' and 'View abstract' are shown just as in the first reviewing phase.
Hide abstract score from previous phase(s)
Hide submitted scores from previous review phases from the reviewers. Please note that these submitted scores will still be archived regardless of this setting.
Blind abstract reviewing
Hide the names of authors and co-authors in the 'view page', the PDF download and the excel download. Note that this does not apply to uploaded files.
Email reviewers on abstract change
Select which abstract changes will reset the submitted scores and send an email notification to all affected reviewers.
Please note that only one email will be sent out for each reviewer, so if the author changes multiple of these fields, this will still result in only one update email.
Additionally, a new 'Changed Abstract Fields' placeholder has been added to the 'Reviewer Abstract Update' email template, which will list the titles of the fields that were changed.
Email reviewers on new assigned abstracts
When a new abstract is submitted (for a topic) by an author, all reviewers (who are assigned to that topic) will receive an email notification.
Topic choice email address
Receive an email on this address, informing you about any reviewers that have submitted their topic choice, or declined to be a reviewer.
Session proposals tab
Review session proposals
Check this box if you want your reviewers to review the session proposals.
Blind session proposal reviewing
Hide the names of authors and co-authors in the 'view page', the PDF download and the excel download.
When you use both abstract and session proposal review, an additional setting is added on thee general tab: First page after logging in.
The first page to show to the reviewer after logging in. This can be a fixed page, or automatically selected based on what is assigned to the reviewer. Please be aware that the reviewer tabs should be enabled in the page editor to let them access the other pages.
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