Go to the abstract module and choose 'Module content' in the blue menu.
Before you start adding your topics, please first select how you want your authors to add the topics.
You can have the authors choose 1 topic from a pulldown.
Have the author choose several topics by checking the checkboxes.
Or use topics and subtopics (please note that reviewing will be done on main topic).
To choose the setting you want, please click on the gear icon -> general settings
- Choose 1 topic from a pulldown
The list of topics looks like the above screen. To add a topic, simply use the 'Add topic' button and fill in the title of your topic.
If you want to hide a topic, select the topic and click the 'Eye' icon.
If you want to make a hidden topic visible again, first choose the 'Show hidden' radiobutton, check the box of the hidden topic and click the 'Eye' icon.
The author sees the pulldown like this: - Choose multiple topics via checkboxes
The list looks and works the same as with the topics via the pull down menu.
How the author sees it: - Use Topics and Subtopics
With the button 'Add topic' you can add your main topics.
With the 'Add subtopic set' button, you can add different sets of subtopics.
After you saved the above screen, you will automatically go to the screen to add the subtopics in this subtopic set.
Via the pulldown you can toggle between the main topics and the subtopic sets.
Per main topic, you have to choose a subtopic set.
How the authors sees it:
To 'Import' new topics or subtopics, click the button at the top of the presentation list.
Here you can download and complete an excel template, which you can then upload to the system.
Use the 'Download template' button to download the excel template to enter your (sub)topics.
Use 'Select file' to import the excel.
Use the 'Export' button at the top of the topics list to export all presentation types.
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