Import participants: With this option the group contact person can upload participants via an Excel template. Use the 'Import participants' button.
The following screen will appear:
Please make sure to use the template to import the participants.
Add participant: With this option the group contact person can add a new participant.
Personal Data Delegate: When clicking on continue after filling in the data fields the group contact person will be taken to the personal data delegate screen that has been set up in the general participant module.
Download overview: An Excel document with an overview of all the delegates in the group will be downloaded in excel.
Email overview: An email overview of the group and its participants will be send to the group contact person.
When you click on a name in the manage participant table you can edit the participant details.
Open the Group Actions pull down menu, select Submit Participant and click on continue to submit the participant You can see the green text 'Submitted' next to the participant as proof of the submission.
Via the ‘Group actions’ you can also delete a participant.
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