On this page all tabs of adding a session will be described. Session information, Time slots, Session leaders and Public abstract data.
Session information
In the public module under sessions you can define which sessions will occur during your congress.
Via the 'Add session' button you can add a new session manually.
Time slots
After filling in the first tab, you can fill in the second tab: Time slots.
Via 'Edit time slot' you can create the number of time slots in your session:
In the example 4 time slots are created.
Via the 'Assign Abstracts' button you can connect the abstracts to this time slot.
In the screen above you can select the abstract(s) you want to connect to the time slot.
The green check mark shows if an abstract is already connected to a session.
If you add more than one abstracts to a session, you can sort them within the time slot by using the buttons in the bottom of the screen or click on the 3 horizontal strips in front of the abstract and drag it to the right place.
Besides assigning an abstract to a time slot, you can assign a custom presentation to a session.
Use the 'Assign Custom' button and the following screen will appear.
You can fill out the custom presentation info.
On the next page you can add a speaker. That can be a new speaker, a session leader or an existing author.
If you have more than one speaker, you can change the order.
To change the order of the speakers, drag the icon under the 'Order' column to the appropriate position in the list.
You can only have 1 custom presentation per time slot.
Session leaders
In the 'Session leaders' tab you can click on the 'Edit session leaders' button.
Click the green 'Add session leader' button to add your leader.
Choose the type of leader your person is. Click here for more info about changing the names of the roles.
Now choose if the person is new, already a session leader of another session or an existing author.
If you choose a session leader that is already in the system and occupied for another session at the same time, you will get a warning.
If you have more than one session leaders, you can change the order by clicking on the 3 grey stripes and drag the leader to the right place.
Removing a leader from this session, can be done with the trash can icon behind the name of the person.
Click here for more infomation about Sesson leaders.
Public data tab
Via the session you can change the mailing status, presentation and code for the abstracts attached to this session. Simply go to the 'Public abstract data' tab in the session.
To assign a mailing status, simply click on the blue title of one of the abstracts in the list and select the desired presentation type or mailing status. You can also make changes to a selected bulk of abstracts.
Please select all the abstracts you want to assign a mailing status to and click the envelope icon. Choose the correct mailing status and this status will be added to all selected abstracts.
Please select all the abstracts you want to assign a presentation to and click the microphone icon. Choose the correct presentation and this presentation will be added to all selected abstracts.
You can also click the three dots in the top of the table to make more changes.
Abstract title - First character uppercase -> to make the first character of the title in uppercase for all selected abstracts.
Abstract title - All characters uppercase -> to make the all characters of the title in uppercase for all selected abstracts.
Abstract title - Restore previous value -> undo your last action for the selected abstracts.
Assign abstract codes -> a new screen appears. Now you can add an automatically generated abstract code to all selected abstracts in the way you setup in the screen below.
Import sessions
You can also import sessions. Use the 'Import' button.
Download the template and add your sessions in the excel. Please note that you cannot delete or change the order of the fields in the excel file. If you don't use a field, just leave it blanc.
Hereby an example of a completed template.
On the second tab of the excel you see the values you can use.
To set the location of the session, add a 'V' in the location column for the session.
If you want to add the abstracts to the sessions as well, you can choose from the abstract id's in your congress. The abstracts you can use are listed in the Abstract IDs column.
Some fields have a pulldown. The pulldown options can also be found in the 'allowedValues' tab.
For example the Topic field.
Manage sessions
The button on top of the screen allows you to quickly edit various aspects of your sessions.
On this page you can easily generate codes for all of your sessions, as well as change their titles, topics, visibility and colors.
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