Eventure Online – Invitees
In this document we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the various Invitees features so you can quickly get started.
The most important features discussed in this document are as follows:
- Adding and editing individual invitees
- Importing invitees with an Excel file
- Managing your invitees with the bulk actions
- Creating and managing category links
- Managing your category links with the bulk actions
Please note that the Invitee functionality is only available to customers who previously made use of the External Logins. If this is the case for you, a new button with the title “Invitees" should be available. If the Invitee system is not currently available to you, and you would like to make use of this new functionality, please contact us so we can enable it for your account. Please be aware that activating the invitee functionality for your account comes with a fee.
Invitees - Start page
The image below shows the main page of the Invitee system, including a few example invitees.
Every invitee that you add to your congress will be displayed in the table on this page, including its name, email, status and Link .
Adding individual Invitees
In order to add a single new invitee to your congress, click the 'Add Invitee' button in the top right corner of the screen.
On the page displayed above you can fill in the various data fields you have set up for your congress, of which only the email field is required. Once you have filled in all the information of your new invitee, simply click the save button at the bottom of the screen to store your input and create a new invitee. You will then be taken back to the main screen, where your new invitee should have been added to the table.
Should you want to edit your input after you have added your invitee, simply click the invitee's name in order to go back to the data-input screen. Please note however that this is only possible as long as your invitee has not used the custom Link . Once the Link has been used, the invitee's information can no longer be edited via this invitee screen. You can change the data in the people list.
Importing Invitees with an Excel file
If you would like to add multiple invitees to your congress at once, please click the "Import" button at the top of the main page.
On this page you can either create and download an invitee template, or upload a filled in template and generate new invitees from the information you put in the excel file.
Downloading an Invitee import template
Before you can upload any invitee data to your congress, you first have to create your own invitee template. Simply click the 'Download template' button on the bottom of the screen in order to start the template creation dialog.
In case your congress makes use of registration types (PEvents) or categories, the dialog on the left will be displayed on your screen. Here you can decide if you want to enable the use of these fields in your template and whether the value of said fields should be fixed for all of your invitees or manually set.
On the second screen of the template creation dialog you can select all the other data fields you would like to include in your template, the email field is not displayed as it is required.
Once you are satisfied with your selection, click the 'Download' button to get a copy of your custom invitee import template and start adding your invitees.
Uploading an Invitee import template
To start the import process, simply click the 'Select file' button and select the relevant invitee template.
The import process should automatically start and once the process is complete (or fails) the result will be displayed on the progress bar.
Managing your Invitees
Now that you have added one or more invitees to your congress, you can start managing them on the main invitee page.
The most important elements to take note of are as follows:
- Edit - Click the name of the invitee to edit its information. This is only possible as long as the Link has not been used.
- Status - The current status of the invitee, which can be one of the following:
- Imported - The Link has not been used yet
- Logged in - The Link has been used, but the registration was not yet submitted
- Submitted - The Link has been used and the registration was submitted
- Expired - The Link is no longer valid (the end date has passed)
- Awaiting Date - The Link is not valid yet (the start date has not yet passed)
- Bulk Actions - Various actions that can be applied to the currently selected invitees, namely:
- Set a start / end date & time
- Delete invitees
- Send Link Mail
- Enable or disable links
- Set or change the category
- Extra Columns - Show or hide specific columns in the Invitee table
Using the Bulk Actions
In order to make use of the previously described bulk actions, you must first select the invitees that you would like to apply an action. Simply click the checkbox in front of each invitee and note that the number of selected invitees will go up.
Once you have selected your invitees, simply click one of the bulk action icons, or one of the bulk action options in the menu on the clock, waste bin or the three dots icon in order to start the relevant action.
Once the dialog for the chosen action has opened, simply select the appropriate option, such as the date and time, the enabled / disabled state, or the category, and click save to apply this setting to your selected invitees.
Creating Category links
With everything we have shown you so far, you can now add individual invitees and upload a template of multiple invitees to your congress. Additionally, you can also create category links, which can be used by multiple participants at the same time to create a new registration that is tied to a specific category. Please note that this feature will only appear if your congress contains categories.
In order to get started, first click the 'Categories' button at the top of the main invitees page.
This will take you to the invitee categories page:
This page will show you a list of available categories, along with a button to activate their related links. Simply click the Activate button on the right in order to get the link for that category.
Your links have now been activated and the Link is displayed in the table. You can always disable your Link by selecting 'Disabled' from the options on the right and clicking 'Save'.
Using the Bulk Actions (categories)
As before, simply click the checkbox of one of your links to select it, then choose one of the available bulk actions from the icons or the menu to apply an action. This process works the same as with the individual invitees.
One action to take note of is the 'Set Max Usage' option, which allows you to set a limit on the amount of registrations for each link. Please note however that logged in participants who have successfully completed a payment will still be allowed to submit after that limit has been reached.
In order to activate the registration limit, simply click the toggle button at the top of the dialog, fill in the maximum number of registrations and finally click 'Save' to apply your changes.
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