When a participant has registered in your congress, you can find any information about the participant.
You can search the participants in the People list. You can search on submitted, not submitted, cancelled or all.
When you click on a participant, you see his/her info. The participant info, Accompanying Persons, Registration Data, Online Payments etc.
In the first print screen of this page you see a few other buttons that need some explanation.
Manage Attendance
By using the 'Manage attendance' button you can set if a participant was present/not present at your congress. More info can be found on this page.
Manage People
By using the 'Manage people' button you can quickly make changes to the participants.
In the first screen you have to select the fields you want to view/edit.
In the second screen you can make the changes.
When selecting a few participants you can do a bulk action via the three dots.* The 'Dot initials' option puts dots between all characters in the initals field.
* 'Restore previous value will undo your last change for the selected session leaders and for the fields you select in the next screen.
If you choose 'First character uppercase' or 'All characters uppercase', a new screen appears to select which fields need this change. -
Via the 'Import' button you can download and complete an excel template. Please keep the order of the columns as the are. Just leave the column/cell empty if you don't need it.
Use the 'Download template' button to download the excel template to enter your participants.
You can set a registration type and/or category (if you have the extra categories on internet module). If you make a choice, this will apply to all the participants in your excel.
You also have the choice to 'Assign manually' and add the registration type and/or category in the excel file.
Press 'Next' to go to the following screen to check the boxes of the fields you want to import.
On the first tab of the excel you will see all fields you have chosen to import.
If you use fields with a pulldown or radio button, the second tab shows the values you can use per field.
After adding all participants to your excel, you have to use the 'Select file' button to import the participants.
When there are no errors, you will get a confirmation:
Otherwise Eventure tells you what is wrong. Below an example. When you click on show errors, the errors are shown.
Add participant
With the 'Add participant' button you can add a participant in the backoffice.
When you use the setting 'Register With Email Address As Username', you start with filling in the email address. Eventure then checks if the email address/username was already used.
If so, and for example an author is already registered with this email/user name you get this message:
If a participant is already registered with the email/user name, the following message will appear:
Envelope icon
The available email options at the top of the various People pages have now been grouped together under an email icon at the top-right of the page. In order to access these options, simply click on the email icon, and select the desired functionality from the list.
When you have a congress that was setup with the offline module, you will only have the possibility to send reminders and personal messages.
An online setup congress has more options:
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