Add Macro’s to Word
Download the FileOpenMacros here and open the file 'FileOpenMacros.txt'. Copy all the text in the file. (CTRL + A then Ctrl + C).
Close all Word and open a new version.
In the View tab -> Macros -> Macros display. Macro name, type in: Eventure and then click Create.
Select the text from 'Sub Eventure' to 'End Sub' and paste (CTRL + V) the text we just copied in it, save the word file. Now the macros are in Word.
Replace the above code, the code from the file macro_eve.txt
Click on to return back to Word. Close Word and try agin to merge in Eventure. Now it works to combine / merge letters and sending e-mails with Word.
Enable and Add macros in Word 2010
Enable and Add macros in Word 2013
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