An important room in the list of hotel rooms (‘List Hotel Rooms’) is room 99. This room is a standard feature in Eventure and represents the so-called ‘Hotel Allotment’. In other words, the hotel allots a certain number of rooms, the categories of which you may define yourself.
A hotel allots a package of say 100 rooms, which you can categorise into single or double rooms as required. You draw up a new contract in the ‘Hotel Contract Window’ screen with the ‘Hotel Allotment’ for the applicable hotel. Enter the contract date only. You therefore do not enter any price or commission.
Clicking the ‘Accept Contract’ button puts you in the screen for defining the options. You define a new option with the number of rooms and the period agreed for the option with the hotel.
In the lower part of the screen you see 'Contract starting and ending date used on internet'. With these dates you can restrict the participants to only choose a hotel between the dates filled in here.
So if, for example, you have some extra rooms for participants to stay longer than the congress date, you can add the room dates in the upper part of the screen, but participants cannot choose this date on the internet. Only you can do it in the offline module.
Click the ‘Accept’ button at the top to return to the ‘List Hotel Contracts’ screen.
You assign the categories of the rooms you were allotted by the hotel to the ‘Hotel Allotment’. In this case, the single and double rooms. You define a new contract for the single room, in which you enter the price and possible commission only. you do not define any options. Do the same for the double room.
When you return to the ‘List Hotel Contracts’ screen, you see that there are three contracts for the same hotel, namely ‘Hotel Allotment’, a single room with a price and possible deposit for the hotel room and the same for the double room. When you now assign congress participants a single or double room in the hotel with the ‘Hotel Allotment’, the amount of rooms is taken from room 99, i.e. the ‘Hotel Allotment’.
You are able to make hotel allotments for several hotels simultaneously.
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