You can define several categories of participant. This can be convenient for making different confirmation letters and suchlike for the different types of participant.
Click on the Categories icon in the menu bar to call up the screen shown below, with data about the categories of participants available in Eventure.
The ‘List Categories’ screen gives an overview of all the categories of participants per congress. By using the ‘Search Category’ field you can search through the list of categories. If you want to define a new category or change an existing one, click the ‘Edit’ or ‘New’ button, respectively. This puts you in the screen below.
You can enter the sequence number for a category (‘Category no.’) and give it a name (‘Category’) in the 'Edit Category Data' screen. Clicking ‘Accept’ confirms your entry and clicking ‘Cancel’ cancels your entry. In either case, you return to the list of categories.
You can also define categories for non-participants which you will be registering, e.g. members of the press. These are not participants of the actual congress, but still need to be registered for the congress, for such things as badges, payment, catering numbers, etc.
- Tip: Make sure you have at least category number 1. If no categories are created, it will cause problems in other parts of the congress.
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