Creating an abstract book
The first step is creating the abstract book template.
In the Abstract module go to 'Abstract Book' in the blue menu.
The first time you get to the abstract book page, the following message is displayed.
After the above message you go to the next page to setup the fields for each template.
Before you can generate an abstract book you must first create the required templates that determine what your abstract book will look like, and what information is included.
Simply click on the different templates shown in the list and enter the necessary information. You can use the placeholder menu at the top of the template editor to insert the data fields of your abstracts and authors.
The last template is the layout of the abstract book. It consists of the other templates you create.
For example the 'Main author template' as shown in the above screenshot.
Once you have completed all of the available templates, click on the 'Export Abstract Book' button at the top of the page.
You can configure the available settings to your liking via the 'Settings'tab' and the 'Order & filters' tab.
Then click the 'Export' button to generate your abstract book and the Word file will be created.
You can create several abstract books.
Use the green 'Add template set'. All abstract books will be added in the pulldown at the top of the page.
When you export your abstract book, you can choose which book to merge.
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