When you have set up your congress and uploaded to the internet, you can still edit events offline.
You can edit p-events and r-events. It works on the same way.
Tip: When you upload to the Internet again, only new elements will be added to the site. If you have changed the names of events in offline Eventure the names will not be changed on the Internet. The labels you confirmed earlier will remain. You have to change the names online as well.
The image below shows the p-events. By clicking the 'Edit' button you can edit the event name.
When you have changed the event name, then click on accept. For example we will change student to press.
After you click on accept, you will see that the p-event has been changed.
Offline the p-event is changed, now we have to upload the event online to see the results.
Go to the internet tab and upload the congress again:
When you have uploaded the event, go online to the Module content online.
Click on the p-event you have changed offline and click on title to edit the p-event. In the new screen, click on title again. Then click on 'Use default text' and save. The default text consists of the text used in Eventure offline. Now the event is the same, offline and online.
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