Restoring congressdata after congress (Reinstall Workstation Data to server)
After you've completed the congress succesful, you would like to import your new and changed on-site registered participant data into Eventure.
Note: When restoring data on the server a backup of the existing server data is made and after restoring the data will be overwritten.
The data on the workstation will be deleted after restoring. To be sure of not losing any data, please make a copy of C:\EVEUSER folder you used on location before restoring the congress data.
To restore the modified data, the first step is to copy the EVEUSER folder from the C:\ drive of your laptop back to the C:\ drive of a PC which is connected to the server in the office network.
Start Eventure on the server, this is the version you 'normally' use to register your participants in the office.
Go to the Main Module of Eventure.
Go to File -> Conference Location Copy -> Reinstall conference on server
The following screen appears:
Select the conference you want to reinstall in the dropdown list. By clicking the 'Start' button reinstalling begins:
After reinstalling the conference data back to the server, the message below appears.
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