To use the Local copy in a network you need to prepare the network and install Eventure. The following steps explain what to do to get your network up and running.
1) Create a local copy
How to do this you can read here.
2) Network requirements
SERVER: Eventure can run on a basic fileserver from Windows server 2003 and up.
CLIENT PC'S or Laptops: The client pc's need to run at the minimun Windows XP.
3) Installation of Eventure on the server.
The easiest installation of the programm is on the c:\ drive of the server. Just copy the EVEUSER folder which you have created while making the local Copy ,to the c:\ drive.
IMPORTANT ! Don't run Eventure directly from the server.
4) Users rights and sharing
The EVEUSER FOLDER must be shared in the network. It is necessary to give the users full permissions on the Eventure folders.
5) Client installation:
The local copy doesn't have a restriction on the amount of users. Therefore the amount of hardware (pc's, cables hubs, printers etc.) depends on the size of the registration desk you have planned.
To install Eventure on the clients follow these steps.
1) Make the connection to the shared EVEUSER FOLDER
Eventure can handle a network mapping structure as x:\EVEUSER etc. We advice you to do so. (! all clients must use the same mapping letter)
2) In the EVEUSER FOLDER find the evwforwin.exe file.
3) Create a shortcut on the desktop of the evwforwin.exe.
4) Create on the client c:\ drive a c:\TEMP folder.
6) Linking the databases in the EVW.ini file.
The EVW.ini file is the file where the basic settings of the program are set. In the EVW.INI file the data is referred to the data folder in the rule: Datadirectory="...:\EVEUSER\DATA\" On the dots put the mapping letter you are using.
7) Printing.
When you have installed printers in your network make sure that all your clients have a standard printer installed. If not you are not able to print.
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