You can give the Public program maker access to the Scientific Committee module (SCM).
In the SCM reports can be made of the reviewer scores.
Via the settings of the SCM you can setup what the SC is allowed to change/see.
You have to setup the public site yourself, once the setup is done, your SC can make changes if the checkbox is checked.
The login link and username can be found on the 'Congress accounts' page. You can create a password yourself via the 'Reset password' button. Please note that there is no separate email to send the details to your SC. You have to email it yourself.
NOTE: for security reasons, please send the username and password in 2 different emails.
The first page that the SC sees is the page on which all reports can be made and is called 'Abstract downloads'.
Via the blue menu on the left, the SC can make changes to the abstracts and/or public calendar.
In this explanation the SC has access to all options.
For more information about setting up the calendar, please click here.
Public abstract data
In the public abstract data, the SC can make changes to the abstracts for mailing purposes for example.
Public import proposals
If you're using the session proposal module, the SC can import the session proposals in the public calendar.
Proposal downloads
The SC can make reports and view/edit the session proposals.
Session proposals
The SC can accept or reject the session proposals by clicking on the abstract and edit the abstract.
Abstract proposals
The SC can also see/edit the abstract proposals.
Author proposals
Via the author proposals menu, the SC can also see/edit the authors of the abstract proposals.
Session leader proposals
The session leader proposals list shows all proposed session leaders.
The people list shows all session proposers.
Grant applications
The grant applications list shows all grant applications.
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