Steps to setup online participant registration
- Step 1: create a new congress
- Step 1a: Congress settings
- Step 1b: Participant module settings
- Step 2a: Setup the VAT
- Step 2b: Cancellation conditions
- Step 2c: Setup Registration Types online
- Step 2d: Setup Registration events online
- Step 2e: Setup PA-events (Accompanying persons) online
- Step 2f: Setup Event collections
- Step 2g: Setup Categories and category links
- Step 2h: Setup Countries
- Step 3a: Event overview page
- Step 3b: Styling the pages: Start registration page
- Step 3c: Styling the pages: Welcome or login page
- Step 3d: Styling the pages: Personal data delegate
- Step 3e: Styling the pages: Accompanying person index
- Step 3f: Styling the pages: Add / Change accompanying person page
- Step 3g: Styling the pages: Registration events page
- Step 3h: Styling the pages: Transport page
- Step 3i: Styling the pages: Way of payment index
- Step 3j: Styling the pages: Billing address form
- Step 3k: Styling the pages: Filled registration page
- Step 3l: Styling the pages: Thanks page
- Step 3m: Styling the pages: Congress closed page
- Step 4: The email participant submission
- Step 5: Participant system emails
- Step 6: Styling the pages: Participant module status
- Show only the Registration Types in the current period
- Show the checkbox in front of the r-event